Er Marx fullkomnunarsinni í anda Kants? Málþing á 200 ára afmælisdegi Karls Marx
Laugardaginn 5. maí 2018 eru liðin 200 ár frá fæðingu Karls Marx. Af því tilefni gengst Heimspekistofnun Háskóla Íslands fyrir málþingi um arfleifð Marx. Á málþinginu mun stjórnmálaheimspekingurinn Douglas Moggach, prófessor við University of Ottawa í Kanada, halda opnunarerindi um kenningar Marx í ljósi þýskrar hughyggju og hugsjóna um hamingju og frelsi. Erindið verður flutt á ensku og nefnist „Marx as a Post-Kantian Perfectionist?“. Að loknu erindinu verða pallborðsumræður með þátttöku Nönnu Hlínar Halldórsdóttur, doktorsnema í heimspeki við Háskóla Íslands, Vilhjálms Árnasonar og Björns Þorsteinssonar, prófessora í heimspeki við Háskóla Íslands. Að síðustu verða almennar umræður.
Málþingið fer fram laugardaginn 5. maí í stofu 101 í Lögbergi og hefst kl. 13:00. Öll velkomin!
Nánar má lesa um fyrirlesarann og erindið hér fyrir neðan.
Douglas Moggach is Distinguished University Professor at the University of Ottawa, Honorary Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney, and a Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. He has held the University Research Chair in Political Thought, Ottawa, and visiting appointments in Beijing, Cambridge, London, Münster, and Pisa. The Canada Council for the Arts awarded him a Killam Research Fellowship in 2007. His publications, in seven languages, include Über die Prinzipien des Schönen (1996),The Philosophy and Politics of Bruno Bauer (2003), The New Hegelians (2006), Politics, Religion, and Art(2011), The 1848 Revolutions and European Political Thought (2018), and (as co-author), Rethinking German Idealism (2016).
Marx as Post-Kantian Perfectionist? Reconsidering Left-Hegelian Debates
Douglas Moggach, University of Ottawa/University of Sydney
The category of post-Kantian perfectionism has recently been applied to ethical programmes like those of Fichte and Schiller, which, in the wake of Kant’s critiques, take as their central end is the promotion of freedom and of its material, political, and social conditions. The post-Kantian character of these programmes derives from the shift from eudaimonia, happiness, or need-fulfilment (typical of older perfectionisms since Aristotle) to freedom and autonomy as core values. Perfectionist theories hold that the development of certain capabilities is of intrinsic, and supervening, ethical value. For post-Kantian perfectionism, the aim is to secure and enhance the conditions for the exercise of freedom, and to eliminate obstacles to self-determination. By validating actions through their contributions to these ends, it is a consequentialist ethic that Kant himself would have rejected; but its specificity consists in seeking to promote the capacity for free activity itself, rather than any determinate view of the requisites of a happy life.
The political theories of the Left Hegelians and Karl Marx in the 1840’s represent distinct expressions of post-Kantian perfectionist ideas, though the turn from happiness to freedom occurs in differing degrees. Marx combines Kantian and naturalist accounts of the self and its activity; yet even when they are translated into a more materialist lexicon, idealist concepts of self-movement, of spontaneous or self-originated action, and the Kantian distinctions between empirical and pure practical reason, form essential elements of Marx’s thinking. The different understandings of these concepts and their normative implications underlie the political divergences between Hegel-inspired German republicanism and socialism in 1848.