Vinnustofa Alice Crary
Alice Crary heldur vinnustofu á vegum Heimspekistofnunar fyrir kennara og framhaldsnema mánudaginn 16. mars 2020, kl. 15:00 í Setbergi, Suðurbergi, stofa 305. Alice Crary er prófessor í heimspeki við Oxford háskóla, Englandi, og New School, New York. Rannsóknir hennar hafa einkum beinst að eðli siðferðilegra dóma (e. moral judgment) og siðferðilegra yfirvegunar (e. moral thought), réttindum dýra, fötlunarfræði, femínisma og heimspeki Wittgensteins. Crary hefur meðal annars birt bækurnar Beyond Moral Judgment (Harvard University Press, 2007) og Inside Ethics: On the Demands of Moral Thought (Harvard University Press 2016) og verið meðritstjóri bókarinnar New Wittgenstein (Routledge, 2000). Crary vinnur um þessar mundir að nýrri bók sem nefnist Radical Animals.
Áhugasamir eru beðnir um að skrá sig með því að senda tölvupóst til Róberts H. Haraldssonar ( og setja Alice Crary í viðfangi (subject).
Vinnustofan verður óformleg en við munum sérstaklega ræða þær hugmyndir sem Crary setur fram um mörk siðferðis í bókinni Inside ethics. En útgefandi lýsir bókinni m.a. með þessum orðum:
“Alice Crary’s Inside Ethics is a transformative account of moral thought about human beings and animals.
We have come to think of human beings and animals as elements of a morally indifferent reality that reveals itself only to neutral or science-based methods. This little-commented-on trend, which shapes the work of moral philosophers and popular ethical writers alike, has pernicious effects, distorting our understanding of the difficulty of moral thinking. Inside Ethics traces the roots of existing views to tendencies in ethics, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind. Crary underlines the moral urgency of revisiting our approach in ethics so that, instead of assuming we confront a world that itself places no demands on moral imagination, we treat the exercise of moral imagination as necessary for arriving at an adequate world-guided understanding of human beings and animals.
The book’s argument is both rich and practically oriented, integrating ideas from literary authors such as Raymond Carver, J. M. Coetzee, Daniel Keyes, W. G. Sebald, and Leo Tolstoy and bringing them to bear on issues in disability studies and animal studies as well as elsewhere in ethics. The result is a commanding case for a reorientation in ethics that illuminates central challenges of moral thought about human and animal lives, directing attention to important aspects of these lives that are otherwise hidden from view.”
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